My mom just got a new puppy named Jazz. He is a black and white Sheltie, and we have nick named him Jazz the Spaz. I grew up with a Sheltie, and they are definitely a cult dog. Generally speaking, once you have one you will have many more. They are sweet and loving dogs, great with kids and very playful. The one thing you learn to "appreciate" about them is that they are talkative--meaning they bark...a lot.
This is my mom's new grandchild and can literately talk about Jazz's new habits or training or personality for about 45 minutes straight. He is now her profile pic on her Facebook and Yahoo account. It is pretty hysterical and I am very happy she has him in her life. I met Jazz 6 weeks ago when he was only 8 weeks old and about 8 pounds. My mom lives in N. CA and I am up there quite a bit these days planning our wedding. My fiance and I went up there this last weekend to do the last of our wedding appointments, and we were able to spend a lot of quality time with Jazz the Spaz. Although he has doubled in size since I last saw him, he is still as soft and fluffy as ever!
My fiance taught him how to lay down this weekend, however it was only repeated when Jazz had food to motivate him, otherwise Jazz had the attention span of a gold fish. We also tried to teach him how to walk on a leash. I have never met a dog who didn't love walks, but we literately had to drag him in his harness with his legs splayed out on all fours. He did not want to leave the front lawn. After struggling for a block he eventually understood that it was not play time and that WE were taking him on a walk, he was not taking us.
Jazz is a low maintenance dog when it comes to entertaining himself. So far his favorite toys are an old plastic planter box, an old brass wind chime and a lemon. I love that dogs are always so present in life and find joy in the simplest things. If I could only live my own life like Jazz does-not thinking about the past and not worrying about the future and finding pure and utter happiness in an old plastic planter box.
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